In the video below are the ISL signs for

Abbess, Bank Holiday, Bible, Brigid, Cattle, Celtic, Church,

Cloak, Community, Cross, Day, Dove, Faith, February 1st,

Fire, Grass, Grow, Happy, Healing, Imbolc festival,

Kildare, Kindness, Nun, Raven, Well, and Wisdom

Demonstrated by our members

If you prefer to see the words demonstrated separately, you can use these links below

 Abbess, Bank Holiday, Bible, Brigid, Cattle, Celtic, and Church.

Cloak, Community, Cross, Day, Dove, Faith, and February 1st.

Fire, Grass, Grow, Happy, Healing, Imbolc Festival, And Ireland.

Kildare, Kindness, Nun, Raven, Well and Wisdom.