Algeria in ISL
Argentina in ISL
Austria in ISL
Countries beginning with 'B'
Belarus in ISL
Belgium in ISL
Bolivia in ISL
Bosnia in ISL
Countries beginning with 'C'
Canada in ISL
Chile in ISL
Colombia in ISL
Costa Rica in ISL
Cuba in ISL
Czech Republic in ISL
Countries beginning with 'D'
Denmark in ISL
Countries beginning with 'E'
Ecuador in ISL
Egypt in ISL
Estonia in ISL
Countries beginning with 'F'
France in ISL
Countries beginning with 'G'
Germany in ISL
Greece in ISL
Countries beginning with 'H'
Holland in ISL
Hungary in ISL
Countries beginning with 'I'
Iceland in ISL
Iran in ISL
Italy in ISL
Ireland in ISL
Countries beginning with 'J'
Jordan in ISL
Countries beginning with 'K'
Kosovo in ISL
Countries beginning with 'L'
Latvia in ISL
Lebanon in ISL
Luxembourg in ISL
Countries beginning with 'M'
Malaysia in ISL
Malta in ISL
Mexico in ISL
Moldova in ISL
Mynamar in ISL
Countries beginning with 'N'
New Zealand in ISL
Northern Ireland in ISL
Norway in ISL
Countries beginning with 'P'
Palestine in ISL
Panama in ISL
Peru in ISL
Poland in ISL
Portugal in ISL
Countries beginning with 'R'
Russia in ISL
Countries beginning with 'S'
Saudi in ISL
Scotland in ISL
Serbia in ISL
Singapore in ISL
Slovakia in ISL
Slovenia in ISL
South Korea in ISL
Spain in ISL
Sri Lanka in ISL
Sweden in ISL
Switzerland in ISL
Countries beginning with 'T'
Taiwan in ISL
Turkey in ISL
Countries beginning with 'U'
Ukraine in ISL
United Kingdom in ISL
Uruguay in ISL
Countries beginning with 'V'
Venezuela in ISL
Countries beginning with 'W'
Wales in ISL
Thanks to all our presenters from Athy Sing and Sign Club and Transition year students from Holy Family School for the Deaf.
Presenters Aoibhinn Dunne, Caitlin Owens, Caoimhe O Connell, Caoimhe Owens, Caoimhe O Sullivan, Cormac Foley, Ella Bond, Emily Foley, Emma Hamilton, Hannah Sheridan, Heather Sheppard, Jake Kelly, Jane Foley, Leah Foley, Lilyjane Moore Flynn, Luize Klusenkous, Medina Bekric, Megan Byrne, Pippa Casey , Robyn Byrne, Sarah Taaffe, Soskia Ajayi.
Special Thanks to all involved in creation and editing of the ‘Signs of the World’ project.
Athy Sing & Sign Committee Maggie Owens, Linda Dobbyn, Mary Byrne, Breda Moore Flynn and Majella Harris.
Animations by Shauna Hathaway Farrell
Filmed and Edited by Mikey Aldridge
Website Design and Graphic Designer Brendan O’Rourke
ISL Consultant Sean Herlihy
ISL Consultant assistant and photographer Jason Maguire
ISL Interpreter Aoife Harrington & Michelle McNulty
Thanks to Gaelscoil Ath Í, Athy for allowing filming on their location.